Kamis, Mei 21, 2009

Accessories Blackberry Bold

. Kamis, Mei 21, 2009

Spesifikasi :

Type : Hard case for Blackberry Bold
Merk : Claver
Warna: Emas, Merah Maroon, Biru tua/muda, Hijau tua/Muda, Hitam, Putih Susu
Harga: @ Rp.100.000 Lebih dari 10 Nego

Pembelian Bisa Melalui Online Atau datang langsung ke toko kami dengan alamat :

ITC Kuningan Lt.3 B.10 No.2 Telp : (021)57935159 atau (021)57935440
Jl.Prof.Dr.Satrio Jakarta Selatan 12940

untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan chat dengan TANYA HARGA.

4 komentar:

alice mengatakan...

waw lucu-lucu ^_^
mampir ke web ku yah http://accessorieshandphone.joseph-phantom.com/
Cerminkan Pribadi Anda Yang Cantik, Imut Dan Elegan Lewat Handphone Anda ^_^

Jemiro mengatakan...

wah, bagus, coba ada yang buat e63 :D

Ashlin J mengatakan...

Cool post. I'm liking the information you've been putting out lately!

alfred mengatakan...

Thus the mobile phone sector is growing at an arithmetic rate instead of an exponential rate. However the mobile accessories sector is growing at an exponential rate due to the fact that these Accessories are very cheap and many people buy several accessories each year for their phones.

Head Case Design

:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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